Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
7 Days...
This is a picture of the main walkway through campus. Does anyone want to guess what all those balloons are tied to?
Yep, you guessed heads.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
9 Days...
My one-act was AMAZING! I was so proud of and so pleased with my actors. Everyone loved it! Almost done...2 class sessions, 1 critique, 1 set design, 1 final presentation, 1 final interview, 1 final exam and 1 broadsword fight left to go!! (the broadsword fight, by the way, is going to be the best thing i've ever done. i am so excited about that! 9 daaaaayyyyysssssssssss!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
12 days...
Mexico was awesome! Probably the best Mexico trip to date. I really think that the difference was that this year we had these devotions to do on our own every morning. It was really awesome. All four of the work sites finished at least one coat of stucco, which I don't think has ever happened before. Jason Yost's site even got a couple walls done with the second coat, and Dave Smith's site finished the entire second coat! It was very very successful. I'm exhausted. Today is the tech rehearsal for my directing project one-act. Remember...the one about the monkeys, Swift, Milton and Kafka? Wednesday is when Ryan Gutierrez, Brian Lofing, and Kelsey Cook perform the one-act for an audience which will include my directing teacher, and for twenty percent of my final grade. Two days ago was the first time we rehearsed the play in its entirety. So, we'll see how that works out, I guess. Please pray for this one act to go well, I'm a little nervous.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Oh yeah...and one more chapel.
Hey everybody! I just finished my 10-15 page paper explaining my concept of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. I ended up deciding to set the play in a fictional Japanese samurai culture during the beginning of the Edo period (c. 1600A.D.). I have to tell's twelve pages of awesome. But then again, I probably think that because I wrote one draft and didn't go back and read it again. I just printed it out and I'm going to turn it in the way it is. I mean, I'm just pretty much over it, you know? That was my very last semi-big paper ever! Isn't that exciting? I know, you're's not really that exciting...but I wanted to post because I do feel m
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
There were no decorations for homosexuality week in chapel. I was very disappointed.
This is just like the sword my granddad gave me. It was his dad's Knights Templar sword. I wonder if he ever killed anybody with it because they got too close to the treasure.
In other news, plans are moving forward for my trip to Peru in August. I most likely won't be able to take the sword, but I will be taking a Spanish-English dictionary, which will probably prove more useful in the long run. My plans as of right now are to leave in August for Cuzco, Peru and stay in the home of Ricky and Tracie Olivares (which also doubles as the church) as an intern until November. I am very nervous, but also really excited! My two main fears are traveling alone from here to there, and getting sick and/or homesick while I'm there. Please pray for these fears to be relieved.