Friday Five
inspired by john's 10 on tuesday, here's my lazy friday five. i make no promises that this will be a recurring post...or even actually include five items. i will try.
Five Reasons I Love Being Friends With Paddy
the pictures do not necessarily correlate with the numbers they are next to.
1. he is hilarious. if you have not taken the time to have a con
versation or two with paddy, you are missing out, my friends. his humor is one of a kind. it's an intelligent, genuine, natural kind of humor, it's not like your typical "class clown" kind of humor. he doesn't say funny things for attention. there are some people, you know the kind i'm talking about, who need everybody in the room to hear the thing they just said that made one person laugh. so they say it over and over. and then they remind you later of how funny it w
as when they said it before. paddy's not that way. he doesn't parade his humor around. it's subtle, and he doesn't say funny things to get attention. he just says them 'cause that's what he's thinking, and if only one person in the room hears, then that's how it is. and the things he says that i find so funny a
re not like contrived jokes...he just delivers his thoughts in a natural, smart, witty way. i think that's so refreshing. and so, it makes sense that since i love to laugh, i love to hang out with people who make me laugh...also, paddy will do all the random stuff that i tell him to do. that's why i love being friends with paddy.
2. he is not ashamed to be who he is. he is an eagle scout. he loves harry potter. he loves wii. he loves modifying nerf guns and shooting people. he loves zelda. he observes birthdays of fictional characters. he goes to UCI. he wishes his school had a quidditch team. he loves blogging. he loves Heroes. he loves old women. he won the costume contest at borders the night that deathly hallows came out (in case you didn't make the correlation there, that means that he went to buy his new harry potter book in f
ull costume). he loves jack bauer. he proudly posted his scores on the WOMBAT. he is british. he cooks his dead pets and eats them. he loves carly patterson. he once claimed to be in an actual relationship with her. he loves custard. and he answers to the name "Paddy." and he loves it. every bit of it. even the things that might be considered "nerdy" paddy loves. the bottom line is that he is not afraid to let people see who he really is. he is genuine and he makes no apologies for it. he is comfortable in his own skin and that makes other people comfortable around him. i f
eel better about who i am when i'm with paddy because he likes who he is. that's why i love being friends with paddy.
3. he argues well. ok, that one may sound weird, but i really enjoy the way paddy argues with people. often when friends argue there comes a point when one or the other can't adequately articulate their opinion or they can't think of a response to a counterpoint...and
that's when the argument moves into personal-attack mode. paddy doesn't do that. he remains logical even when being berated (often by me) and doesn't even vali
date the personal attacks by counter-attacking. he usually turns it around and continues arguing logically and reasonably against the personal attack, still bringing it back to the original topic. (see his last two blog post including all comments made if you want to see what i mean) this is also true for when he argues hypotheticals. even if the hypotheticals get really out-there, paddy continues arguing with reason and logic. it's very impressive. i lo
ve to make my end of the argument get more random and obscure as i go just to see how he will bring it back to the heart of the issue. he does it every time. i don't like to argue...i'm not good at it. i often resort to name-calling. paddy doesn't take any of my cerap when we argue. that's why i love being friends with paddy.![](
4. he is super smart. that's why i love being friends with paddy.
5. he is an eagle scout. this means he is eco-friendly and always prepared. it's also somewhat of a super-power. so if i go to the airport and need duct tape to smash my bags down so they will accept th
em at the baggage check, paddy will have it. or if i need knots tied or untied, paddy can tie and untie them. or if i need lots of things loaded into a small space, paddy can
do that too. paddy has a camelbak in case i get thirsty for some water with lemon. if i am riding my bike and i get a flat tire, paddy can fix it. paddy can start fires using nothing but the harnessed power of the sun combined with his will. paddy once ate a tapeworm and grew it in his digestive system and then pooped it out just to prove that he is immune to parasites (true story). paddy is a super hero. that's why i love being friends with paddy.
paddy, thanks for being a good friend. sorry i told your roommates you were gay. and i'm even sorrier they believed me and refused to sleep in the same room as you for a couple months. and also...i'm not sorry at all.
Five Reasons I Love Being Friends With Paddy
the pictures do not necessarily correlate with the numbers they are next to.
1. he is hilarious. if you have not taken the time to have a con
2. he is not ashamed to be who he is. he is an eagle scout. he loves harry potter. he loves wii. he loves modifying nerf guns and shooting people. he loves zelda. he observes birthdays of fictional characters. he goes to UCI. he wishes his school had a quidditch team. he loves blogging. he loves Heroes. he loves old women. he won the costume contest at borders the night that deathly hallows came out (in case you didn't make the correlation there, that means that he went to buy his new harry potter book in f
3. he argues well. ok, that one may sound weird, but i really enjoy the way paddy argues with people. often when friends argue there comes a point when one or the other can't adequately articulate their opinion or they can't think of a response to a counterpoint...and
4. he is super smart. that's why i love being friends with paddy.
5. he is an eagle scout. this means he is eco-friendly and always prepared. it's also somewhat of a super-power. so if i go to the airport and need duct tape to smash my bags down so they will accept th
paddy, thanks for being a good friend. sorry i told your roommates you were gay. and i'm even sorrier they believed me and refused to sleep in the same room as you for a couple months. and also...i'm not sorry at all.