so, i took a shower this morning and as i closed the shampoo bottle after squeezing some shampoo into my hand, the cap snapped shut rather quickly causing a tiny bit of shampoo to shoot across the shower and land in my left eye. in case you are unaware of the effects of shampoo coming in contact with a person's eye, the effects are: pain. all kinds of different pain. shooting pain, stabbing pain, grating pain, stinging pain, numbing pain, burning pain, throbbing pain...all at once at first, and then alternating with each other at random intervals for the next half hour, at least.
anyway...that was at about 8:30 this morning. it's almost four hours later and my left eye is still bloodshot and every once in a while, it starts to sting and then a couple of little sudsy tears come out.
anyway...that was at about 8:30 this morning. it's almost four hours later and my left eye is still bloodshot and every once in a while, it starts to sting and then a couple of little sudsy tears come out.
that's a ton of pain. I'm glad you documented the specific kinds so that the next time I get shampoo in my eyes I will be able to name them off as I experience them.
Amy: how would you rate the pain on a scale of one to ten? What would be an acceptable level of pain? What ameliorates the pain? Share some of your thoughts and emotions about the pain?
I just started treated pain in my internship, and I know for a fact that shampoo ocularis pain, or SOP, can lead to all sorts of negative coping, including gateway drug use, and a desire to listen to Justin Timberlake music. We're here to support you if you need us.
the pain was maybe like a 3 or 4. i'm ok. no drugs. no justin. especially no justin. thanks for the support.
Ames - if shampoo in your eye was a 4, natural childbirth is probably about an 86. I'd recommend not breeding (or if you do, ask for the epidural in month 6).
no need to worry...no plans for breeding. (shhh...don't tell my mom)
Ohhhhh, poor Amy. Ouch indeed. As for levels of pain, I was surprised you said it was only a 3 or 4. I have had shampoo in my eye, not even full strength, and I'd rate it more a 6 or 7. As for natural childbirth, should you ever change your mind, the two I had weren't as bad as the shampoo. Don't believe all the horror stories you hear are the norm. For some reason, you don't hear many of the other kind (the fairly easy experiences), and they do exist.
And Denise, you're funny.
I will try to steer clear of the shampoo being in my eye
no nieces and/or nephews? This is unacceptable.
Seriously, I think they could improve pepper spray by just making it out of shampoo.
So, you don't want me to tell her???
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