When I was 23, six months after we got married, I cut my hair. It had been long enough to sit on. It looked alot like the photo you posted. I didn't know what to do with it. There was no Locks of Love back then. I kept it for a really long time. Then one day when Paul and Grace were maybe 5 and 10 years old, I came across it while cleaning out the hall cupboard. I thought, "This would be really morbid, if something happened to me and I died and then my family had to deal with this." So I threw it away. What a waste. I'm still alive and I could've given it to Locks of Love. Oh well.
Ames ... you are too weird for prime time. Love ya, but you're just a little off center. Kind of concerns me that your dad frequently compares us. Sigh.
Hair grows back, Amy.
Halloween, however, does not.
you are right. thank you.
Well lets see the finished product.
Hair is overrated. Just ask your dad.
Assume you're doing the "Locks of Love" thing?
And Curt ... how about some pics of Owen!
When I was 23, six months after we got married, I cut my hair. It had been long enough to sit on. It looked alot like the photo you posted. I didn't know what to do with it. There was no Locks of Love back then. I kept it for a really long time. Then one day when Paul and Grace were maybe 5 and 10 years old, I came across it while cleaning out the hall cupboard. I thought, "This would be really morbid, if something happened to me and I died and then my family had to deal with this." So I threw it away. What a waste. I'm still alive and I could've given it to Locks of Love. Oh well.
Was this for some sort of Halloween costume?
I think a change will be nice.
Looks like you should still be about shoulder length, right?
I too vote for photos of the rest of your hair, i.e. that still attached to your head.
lie, please no. (profeta)
hey, it will be worth it in the end. We get to fool around with a truck that looks like a roof.
i wish it was for something as noble as locks of love. it's for halloween.
lo siento mucho profeta...no es mentira.
Ames ... you are too weird for prime time. Love ya, but you're just a little off center. Kind of concerns me that your dad frequently compares us. Sigh.
what a sweet thing to say. i'm touched.
I'm a giver.
If you haven't thrown it away I'm sure locks of love will still take it. Heroes edition!
Julie...Just click on the link Amy has called Curt Squirt. I have a picture of Owen there. Does locks of love take back hair?
Keep the hair and just weave it back in.
Wow! I'm speechless.
so wait, are you dressing as someone from heroes? Nikki? Jessica?
Let's see the final product!
Hair? Overrated? Ask your dad? Whatever do you mean, Sis? And, by the way, I don't compare you two; I confuse you two. (You ARE confused, aren't you?)
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