Sunday, June 24, 2007


One more. No criticisms.

Purpose and Purity

Here are two more videos we're taking to Ecuador...I'm still not accepting criticisms.

Congratulations, Niall!

Here it is...what we've all been waiting for!

check it out.

Friday, June 22, 2007



So here's one of the videos I made to take to Ecuador next week to introduce the topic of one of the youth nights. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. This is the first project I've ever edited on my own, so I'm proud of it. I know it could use some work, and there are few technical parts that make me cringe a little when I watch it, but overall I think it will communicate the message really clearly. Well....this one won't. I mean...because it's in know? Obviously, I had Natalie record a Spanish version as well. And that's the one we will be showing in Ecuador....but I thought all my English-speaking friends and family would appreciate the English one. Enjoy. And be nice. It's my first try.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day, Dad!!

Dad, I love you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I'm hanging out in the Burn office this week...and for the rest of the month...

Nathan just finished editing a video starring Tyler Patterson and Gina Higginbotham that we'll show in the Burn next week, June 20th, for Mike's last message before his goodbye party the next week (the 27th). It's about the importance of accepting and embracing change. The point being, if we refuse to accept change into our lives and try to remain in the same circumstances, state of being, circle of friends, way of thinking, etc...we will never grow.

It's pretty funny (thanks a lot, Nathan, Tyler and Gina for making it so), so you should come to the Burn next week to see it! may remember in the 2006-September 11th edition of, I talked about working on a video project for the ministry in Cusco...well, the bummer was that it didn't work out as I had hoped it would...but those plans are finally coming to life now. I have been in the process of filming those videos in the last couple weeks, and we will take them to Ecuador this summer to use as we host multiple "youth nights" for young people in the community. Each youth night will address a specific theme (i.e. purpose, loneliness, truth, etc.). We will show a short video introducing the topic, 1 or 2 people from our team will share personal testimonies about their experiences dealing with these things in their own lives. Then we will teach what the Bible says about the topic, and after that maybe lead smaller discussion groups, and maybe play some worship songs relevant to the, I think it will be something really cool.