Where was YOUR car three years ago?
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AmyInAnaheim: OMG, I SEE MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AmyInAnaheim: you know how these satellite photos are super old?
AmyInAnaheim: my car is in the ruby's parking lot in fullerton on the google map
padfoot240: hahahahahaha
padfoot240: thas yo car!
padfoot240: and I believe that is the first time I have ever seen you use OMG on aim
AmyInAnaheim: it was an omg moment
padfoot240: lol
padfoot240: which ones is yours?
AmyInAnaheim: ok, let me see if i can explain this...
AmyInAnaheim: in the bottom left corner is the fullerton metro center label, yes?
padfoot240: yes
*on the larger map the metro center label shows up...but not on the tiny map that showed up on my blog. just start from the bottom left corner of the map...that's where the building is.
AmyInAnaheim: to the right of that building there is the "street" running through the parking lot
padfoot240: mmmhmm
AmyInAnaheim: on that street, just after the speed bump, there is a white car
padfoot240: yes
AmyInAnaheim: in the row directly to the right of that white car, there is another white car, five cars in, either pulling into or pulling out of the space
AmyInAnaheim: my car is the ninth car into that row, four cars after the white one pulling out of that space, just before the bright blue truck
AmyInAnaheim: do you see it??
padfoot240: OMG, I SEE YOUR CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
padfoot240: that's so cool
AmyInAnaheim: I know, right!?!?!
If you go to Google Maps, and type in the address for church, you can see the Scout in the picture(on the street view)! Our car is now famous.
Just admit that this is some veiled attempt at trying to get us to find your car because you have no clue where you left it! That's right, three weeks ago you got home and forgot where you parked your car and so you're now pulling some story about a picture 3 years ago and some car. I bet your car isn't even there! Then again, do you even have a car? I'd ask you to circle your car in photoshop to prove it's yours, but you could just randomly circle any car, because I have no clue if it's your car or not! *grin* Nice to know your back and doing well. When you really find your car, let us know with a picture of you beside it! *grin*
I have to say, it took me a while to find your car, even with your explicitly clear directions :)
I'll let you know if "crap douche" ever comes into play, because I look forward to your giant ass kicking.
That's yo car!!!
Sadly, the current GoogleEarth pic for our neighborhood 3 years ago has updated to July-07. Our car is no longer in the picture.
can I pull the "too much time on the internet" card?
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