Monday, October 03, 2005


well...i am beginning to enjoy my student teaching a little bit more. (though, i still definitely do not want to be a teacher). i was asked again today to run the class during sixth period. i gave the lecture last week on wednesday, and it went well. (by "went well" what i mean is that none of the students mouthed off, made fun of me, threw things, died, etc. they did, however, just sit and stare. but what can you do? that's what happens during 6th period.) anyway, today, in about an hour, i will go divide them into groups of three, pass out scripts, and be there to answer any questions they might have while the substitute teacher (who is getting paid relatively large sum of money) will sit and do absolutely nothing productive. what a bust. wish me luck! palabra a la madre...paz fuera.


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